It is no secret that filling skilled roles in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries in Ireland presents significant challenges. As a complete solutions provider to these sectors in the areas of validation and calibration Ellab is all too aware of the competitive recruitment landscape.

At Ellab, the belief in employee potential is paramount. It views developing a strong company culture backed by values as essential for fostering employee engagement, loyalty, and productivity.

Moreover, Ellab understands that a thriving work culture goes beyond traditional notions of professional development. It encompasses a holistic approach that prioritises employee wellbeing and helps support a work-life balance.

Always working on new initiatives

Ellab’s HR manager in Ireland, Aoife Keaney, says the company is always working on new initiatives and ways to support its employees. “We’re currently developing dedicated career pathways across the company so when you join us you will be able to see the opportunities for upskilling, career growth and promotion that lie ahead.”  

But the company isn’t just focusing on being highly competitive in terms of salary and benefits, it is also committed to making sure Ellab is a supportive work environment where people from diverse backgrounds can all thrive personally as well as professionally.

In an industry historically dominated by male representation, Ellab recognises the need to remove barriers and tackle stereotypes for under-represented groups, particularly women, to thrive and excel.

The team in Ireland see diversity among the workforce as a catalyst for creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving that will drive innovation and propel Ellab to new heights of success in an increasingly competitive market landscape.

Providing engineers in Ireland with opportunities to work abroad and gain highly beneficial international experience is also important in the drive to attract and retain the best talent. “For us borders are not a barrier,” said Paul O’Hare, managing director of Ellab’s Irish division.

“On a global level we’re currently developing a streamlined field service offering so that our teams of engineers and technicians can move seamlessly to support colleagues in other markets.”

Improve collaboration across borders

At present the Irish team is providing engineers and technicians for projects in Denmark and are in discussion with colleagues in the US and UK about how to improve collaboration across borders.

The company firmly believes this international exposure enhances skills, fosters cultural understanding, and promotes innovation, which ultimately enriches the engineer's career while contributing to the team's global perspective and success.

On a global level the company has grown rapidly in recent years with a number of important M&As across Europe and the US. Supporting these teams to integrate is an ongoing process and will be important for Ellab’s ability to attract, support and retain talent.

At the heart of Ellab's ethos lies a profound belief in the potential of its employees. Recognising that personal and professional development are intrinsic to individual and organisational success, Ellab is developing a multifaceted approach to support its workforce to thrive and make a meaningful impact in their field.