Continuing to drive standards within Ireland’s plumbing and heating industry, leading manufacturer of heating technologies Grant has launched a Multiple Package Solutions offering which provides the full heating requirements for a new build property all under the one roof. [caption id="attachment_50467" align="alignright" width="300"] Grant Afinia aluminium radiator.[/caption] Suitable for those undertaking a new-build project, Grant combines the benefits of its extensive product portfolio and team’s specialist knowledge to offer a time-saving and hassle-free process which designs, quotes and supplies everything required to efficiently heat a property. Through the combination of multiple heating technologies from the manufacturer’s ever-growing product range, which includes highly efficient air source heat pumps, hot water cylinders and modern heat emitters, the property’s heating system can be taken into a new class of efficiency which can ultimately help provide greater long-term savings for the property owner. With a growing focus on more sustainable forms of home heating, Grant’s Aerona³ air source heat pump range is an important feature within the Multiple Package Solutions offering as it combines highly-efficient home heating with environmentally friendly benefits and can help achieve Part L compliance required under building regulations. Helping to reduce a property’s overall carbon footprint, a Grant Aerona³ heat pump operates using an entirely renewable heat source and can deliver over four times the amount of energy for every 1kW of electricity used. The Aerona³ range is available in a variety of outputs which means that the model can be closely sized to the exact requirements of the property to ensure optimum performance all year round. Reinforcing its commitment to providing market-leading heating solutions, Grant recently introduced an A+++ 13kW model to the Aerona³ range which features R32 refrigerant. This refrigerant, which has a lower global warming potential than other typical heat pump refrigerants, meets upcoming legislative targets outlined in the 2014 EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations and will be introduced into all models within the Aerona³ range in the coming months. Completing a property’s full heating requirements, Grant’s design service can also identify suitable hot water cylinders and heat emitters to complement the Aerona³ heat pump’s highly efficient performance. Grant’s heat emitter offering includes the Grant Solo fan convector radiator range which boasts faster rates of convection than traditional radiators, the Grant Afinia aluminium radiator range which is available from six to 20 panels, or underfloor heating which can be easily integrated into any home heating system. Benefit from Grant’s free design service today: 1. Send your planning drawings to or call 057 912 0089 2. A member of the Grant team will be in touch with you to discuss requirements 3. You will receive full property specifications with recommended products all available from Grant Grant’s full range of innovative heating solutions are available from leading plumbing heating merchants throughout Ireland. For more information visit or follow Grant on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.