In today's rapidly evolving world, sustainability is a critical concern, prompting engineers to adopt innovative approaches that minimise environmental impact.
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland’s leading university, has introduced a series of micro-credentials to equip engineers with the necessary skills and knowledge to address sustainability challenges head on.

These micro-credentials cater specifically to professionals interested in sustainability, low-carbon technologies, and environmental impact, enabling them to expand their expertise and drive positive change.
Air pollution monitoring, assessment, and control
The first micro-credential offered by Trinity College Dublin focuses on air pollution monitoring, assessment, and control. In an era of increasing pollution levels and public health concerns, understanding the intricacies of air quality management is crucial.

This course provides engineers comprehensive knowledge of air pollution sources, monitoring techniques, and control strategies. By delving into cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, participants gain the skills to design effective pollution control measures, contributing to cleaner air and healthier communities.
Low carbon power technology
Engineers must be at the forefront of developing and implementing sustainable power technologies as the world transitions towards a low-carbon future.
Trinity College Dublin's micro-credential in low carbon power technology empowers engineers with the expertise needed to drive the renewable energy revolution.
Participants delve into the principles and practices of various low-carbon power generation technologies, including wind, hydro, and biomass. Through hands-on experiences and real-world case studies, engineers gain the ability to design, evaluate, and optimise low-carbon power systems, paving the way for a greener energy landscape.
Solar energy conversion and application
Harnessing the sun’s power is vital to achieving a sustainable and resilient energy future. Trinity College Dublin's micro-credential in solar energy conversion and application gives engineers an in-depth understanding of solar energy technologies and their practical applications.
From photovoltaics to solar thermal systems, participants explore the fundamental concepts, design principles, and performance evaluation techniques necessary to leverage solar energy effectively. Armed with this knowledge, engineers can integrate solar technologies into their projects, leading the way towards a more sustainable and renewable energy mix.
Professional development for sustainable engineering
These micro-credentials from Trinity College Dublin go beyond traditional education models by offering short, flexible learning experiences designed with practising engineers in mind.

Professionals gain formal credit and a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing job market by completing a micro-credential. The courses are designed to fit seamlessly into engineers' busy schedules, with a blend of in-person and online lectures, practical exercises, and collaborative learning experiences.
The interdisciplinary nature of the programmes allows engineers from various fields to come together, fostering networking opportunities and knowledge sharing. All of these micro-credentials are approved for CPD by Engineers Ireland and carry credit in the form of ECTS, the EU standard credit system for university-level education.
These micro-credentials enable engineers to drive innovation, implement sustainable practices, and tackle environmental challenges head-on by equipping professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge. Find out more and apply at