
Academic society logoThe Academic society is a special interest group for engineers who lecture or conduct research in third-level institutions or graduate students who aspire to careers in academia.


Its mission is to promote the advancement of academic standards in engineering and facilitate and organise activities for key academic groups. It aims to develop and disseminate a body of knowledge for engineers working within the academic community which will also serve those engineering professionals with an interest in academic topics. Members can benefit from: Networking with colleagues Networking with industry experts Keeping up to date with the latest events, technical presentations and access to research and support material. Attending events, courses, site visits and customised seminars to advance their continuous professional development.

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Academic Videos

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Academic in AMPLIFIED

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Academic News

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Academic in the Engineers Journal

Revealed: A more effective method to match 3D volumes

By mapping the volumes of objects, rather than their surfaces, a new technique could yield solutions to computer graphics problems in animation and CAD.

Training machines to learn more like we do

Researchers identify a property that helps computer vision models learn to represent the visual world in a more stable, predictable way.

Strengthening climate resilience by greening roofs

Startup Roofscapes is planning to build green spaces on pitched roofs in Paris, to decrease temperatures while improving the quality of life.

Revealed: The algorithm that prevents drones from crashing in mid-air

Researchers create a trajectory-planning system that enables drones working together in the same airspace to always choose a safe path forward.

Built environment game changer: How startup makes property assessments as straightforward as taking a photo

The startup Hosta a.i. analyses images to produce precise measurements of spaces, detailed floor plans, 3D models of rooms, and bills of materials. It can also evaluate the conditions of materials to assess damage and identify risks, such as the use of flammable materials or inadequate sprinkler to volume ratios.

Eyeing materials’ interiors from the outside: New method gives information on voids and cracks – based solely on data from exterior

A new method could provide detailed information about internal structures, voids, and cracks, based solely on data about exterior conditions.


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Your Committee contacts

Our committees arrange and host technical presentations, discussions, debate and social events in our regions and represent the group at liaison committee. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact our Sector Support team at You must be logged into the website to display the current committee members below.

Academic society Committee Member documentation
As an assigned committee member, your login will allow you access to committee documentation such as agendas, minutes and draft papers.