
Academic society logoThe Academic society is a special interest group for engineers who lecture or conduct research in third-level institutions or graduate students who aspire to careers in academia.


Its mission is to promote the advancement of academic standards in engineering and facilitate and organise activities for key academic groups. It aims to develop and disseminate a body of knowledge for engineers working within the academic community which will also serve those engineering professionals with an interest in academic topics. Members can benefit from: Networking with colleagues Networking with industry experts Keeping up to date with the latest events, technical presentations and access to research and support material. Attending events, courses, site visits and customised seminars to advance their continuous professional development.

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Academic News

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Academic in the Engineers Journal

Identifying extremely impact-resistant materials quickly via a benchtop text

High-speed experiments can help identify lightweight, protective 'metamaterials' for spacecraft, vehicles, helmets, or other objects.

Study reveals how smart devices’ ambient light sensors pose an imaging privacy risk

The ambient light sensors responsible for smart devices’ brightness adjustments can capture images of touch interactions like swiping and tapping for hackers.

Advanced fabrication equipment to accelerate innovation in 'tough tech' sectors

The advanced fabrication tools will enable the next generation of microelectronics and microsystems while bridging the gap from the lab to commercialisation.

How symmetry can offer a helping hand to machine learning

Exploiting the symmetry within datasets, MIT researchers show, can decrease the amount of data needed for training neural networks.

Highest of safety standards: How aviation could steer regulation of artificial intelligence in healthcare

An interdisciplinary team of researchers thinks health AI could benefit from some of the aviation industry’s long history of hard-won lessons that have created one of the safest activities today.

This self-powered sensor harvests magnetic energy automatically

The system could allow sensors to operate in remote settings, without batteries.


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Our committees arrange and host technical presentations, discussions, debate and social events in our regions and represent the group at liaison committee. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact our Sector Support team at You must be logged into the website to display the current committee members below.

Academic society Committee Member documentation
As an assigned committee member, your login will allow you access to committee documentation such as agendas, minutes and draft papers.