2022 winner
William Fyans, Engineering Manager with SiriusXT
2022 Chartered Engineer of the Year, supported by Arup
2021 winner
Claire Lillis, Senior Programme Manager, Aerogen
2021 Chartered Engineer of the Year Award, sponsored by Arup.
Project title: Eerosolised surfactant - the design and development of a drug-device combination product to treat preterm babies in respiratory distress.
2020 winner
Donal Kelly, Chartered Engineer, Dragados
2020 Chartered Engineer of the Year Award, sponsored by Arup.
Project Title: Tunnelling at the Bank Station Upgrade.
2019 winner
Dr Cristina Paduano, Chartered Engineer, B-fluid
2019 Chartered Engineer of the Year Award, sponsored by Arup.
Project title: Scoring a goal with multi-physics virtual design.
2018 winner
Aoife Murphy, Chartered Engineer, David Kelly Partnership
2018 Chartered Engineer of the Year Award, sponsored by Arup.
Project Title: Earthquake: The Silver Lining - An Opportunity In A Time Of Disaster.
2017 winner
Captain Eoghan Carton, Engineer Officer, Irish Defence Forces
2017 Chartered Engineer of the Year Award, sponsored by Arup.
Project title: Lead nation changeover 2016: the changeover of combat engineering, infrastructure and utilities support from Finland to Ireland in unifil.
2016 winner
Marcello Corsi, Chartered Engineer, Transport Infrastructure Ireland
2016 Chartered Engineer of the Year Award, sponsored by Arup.
Project Title: Innovative Track Design for Urban Railways – the State of the Art on Luas.