Chemical and process

134_CHEM_PROCESS_LOGO_REVThe Chemical and Process Engineering division is a group for members working in the chemical, biochemical and process engineering sectors, providing CPD and networking events for engineers in these areas.


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Chemical and Process in the Engineers Journal

Engineers find a way to turn sawdust into gasoline

  Engineeers at KU Leuven’s Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, in Belgium, have successfully converted sawdust into building blocks for gasoline. Using a new chemical process, they were able to convert the cellulose in sawdust into hydrocarbon chains. These hydrocarbons can be used as an additive in gasoline, or as a component in plastics. The researchers reported their findings in the journal Energy & Environmental Science. Cellulose is the main substance in plant matter and ...

Biodiesel from algae can lessen dependency on petroleum

  Author: Maria McShane, Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical & Biopharmaceutical Engineering – Level 8, Department of Process, Energy and Transport Engineering, Cork Institute of Technology (supervisor: Ian O’Sullivan BEng, MEngSc, lecturer) The dependency on petroleum-sourced fuels has sparked a global campaign from the scientific community to develop green alternative sources of power (1). The production of biodiesel from microalgae is one such option. Microalgae have high ...

Liquid-repellent paper could lead to cheaper biomedical devices

  Paper is known for its ability to absorb liquids, making it ideal for products such as paper towels. But by modifying the underlying network of cellulose fibers, etching off surface 'fluff' and applying a thin chemical coating, engineers have created a new type of paper that repels a wide variety of liquids – including water and oil. The paper takes advantage of the so-called 'lotus effect' – used by leaves of the lotus plant – to repel liquids through the creation of surface ...

Preventing recurring chemcial accidents in confined spaces

  Author: Tony Fishwick, independent safety consultant (former senior manager, British Nuclear Fuels) Much work has been done, and many words written, on the subject of repeated accidents. The questions that arise time and again are “why do they recur?” and “how can they be stopped?” The aim of this article is to revisit the safety lessons we should have learned and offer practical guidance on how these can be shared interactively between management, supervisors and those directly ...

Authorisation - the 'A' in the REACH regulation

  Author: Dr Majella Cosgrave, manager, Health & Safety Authority Chemicals Helpdesk Under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006), the supply and use of some hazardous substances is now subject to a licensing system, in a process known as authorisation. Once a substance is included on the ‘authorisation list’, companies must apply to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to continue to use it. Under ...

Engineers teach an old chemical new tricks to make cleaner fuels

  University researchers from two continents have engineered an efficient and environmentally friendly catalyst for the production of molecular hydrogen (H2), a compound used extensively in modern industry to manufacture fertiliser and refine crude oil into gasoline. Although hydrogen is abundant element, it is generally not found as the pure gas H2 but is generally bound to oxygen in water (H2O) or to carbon in methane (CH4), the primary component in natural gas. At present, ...

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