The most sustainable homes are the ones that already exist – with your skills they could be more energy efficient.

The Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) is looking for Chartered Engineers to join its Energy Renovation Adviser Register for paid opportunities to advise homeowners on their home energy upgrades.

If you have completed one of the following courses:

  • Certificate in Near Zero Energy Buildings | TUS
  • Certificate in nZEB Design | SETU
  • MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering | SETU
  • Building Performance [Energy Efficiency in Design] PG Cert | TU Dublin
  • Building Performance [Energy Efficiency in Design] TU413 | TU Dublin
  • Building Performance [Energy Efficiency in Design] TU414 | TU Dublin
  • Building Engineering TU825 | TU Dublin

And are working on energy renovation projects, sign up today.

If you are qualified or will qualify next year, please get in touch with

We need your skills to improve the retrofit process and reach 500,000 homes retrofitted by 2030.

Please read here for further information on the Energy Renovation Adviser Register.