Sound governance arrangements support effective leadership, accountability and continuous improvement.

Having developed its new statement of strategic intent, Engineers Ireland’s council decided it was timely to review the governance of the institution to ensure Engineers Ireland delivers on its core purpose – in the best interests of the profession.

It has been nearly a decade since the last major review was undertaken, although important improvements have been made in recent years. Feedback in from Engineers Ireland’s members in a 2020 survey indicated that the governance of the Institution would benefit from examination.

Scope of review is broad

As a large and complex institution, the scope of the review is broad, examining matters such as the role of council and the executive board, delegation of duties, the conduct of meetings and the functioning of committees etc. PwC, who are undertaking the review, have also looked at governance arrangements in other bodies similar to Engineers Ireland.

PWC presented their report on the first phase of the review to Engineers Ireland’s council. Their assessment is that the governance arrangements and legal structure in Engineers Ireland are adequate and would mirror those of similar organisations, however more clarity is required in certain areas.

In particular, PWC have made 12 key recommendations. These include: clarifying matters reserved for council and matters delegated to the executive board; prioritising discussion on strategic planning, policy and membership matters at council meetings; documenting the role of the president and director general; updating terms of reference, tenure and reporting arrangements for all committees and boards; and providing induction training to help Council members and the executive board understand their role and function.

Following a thorough discussion, the report and recommendations were unanimously approved for consultation with members. Engineers Ireland’s members are now encouraged to review the report and provide feedback.

Members are encouraged to study and consider the Governance Review Report and briefing material which are available on Engineers Ireland’s website and get actively involved in the consultation process by attending online meetings with our regions, divisions and societies or joining a town hall meeting.

Click here for more information and to register to attend an online meeting.