Robots - a helping hand for the future

Come watch as the robot arm moves and perceives its surroundings, showcasing the collaborative efforts of mechanical, electrical, and control engineers.

Courtesy of, Ireland's leading supplier of Universal Robots, this demonstration is a fascinating glimpse into the future of robotics.

What does Cobot have to do with engineering?

  • Electrical – Powering robots
  • Mechanical – Designing precession mechanisms
  • Control – Controlling accurate positions
  • Manufacturing – Optimal collaboration between humans and machines
  • Software – Machine Programming
  • Mechatronics – Bridging the physical and virtual design world

Did you know?

  1. Robotic arms similar to this are used in agriculture in automated milking parlours
  2. The term ‘robot’ comes from the Czech word ‘Robota’, that means ‘drudgery’ or ‘hard work’ and ‘forced labour’ (first coined by Karel Capek)
  3. George Devol invented the first digital operated robot
  4. Robots only do what they are programmed to do
  5. Crude robots have defused bombs for over 40 years. Furthermore, they take away the risk of human intervention for bomb diffusion
  6. Cobot uses force feedback and capacity limitations to safely operate around humans

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