
Electrical 250 X 122

The Engineers Ireland Electrical division is for engineers with an interest in electricity, electronics, and electromagnetics.

The division has links with other professional associations and organisations such as the Conseil International des Grand Reseaux Electriques (CIGRÉ) and NSAI’s Electro-technical committee under the direction of the CRU.

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Electrical Videos

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Electrical in AMPLIFIED

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Electrical News

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Electrical in the Engineers Journal

Getting better electronics by pushing material boundaries

Associate professor Jeehwan Kim is exploring systems that could take over where silicon leaves off.

Engineers develop ultra-thin semiconductor fibres that transform fabrics into wearable electronics

Scientists have developed ultra-thin semiconductor fibres that can be woven into fabrics, turning them into smart wearable electronics.

Welcome to the world of edible electronics — how foods and robots have teamed up together

Edible electronics are being developed to assist rescue operations and go inside hospital patients, setting the stage for all-consuming tech to become consumable.

Revealed: This tiny, tamper-proof ID tag can authenticate almost anything

Engineers have developed a tag that can reveal with near-perfect accuracy whether an item is real or fake – the key is in the glue on the back of the tag.

This self-powered sensor harvests magnetic energy automatically

The system could allow sensors to operate in remote settings, without batteries.

Why pumped hydroelectric energy storage is a perfect fit for Ireland’s path to zero emissions electricity generation

Pumped hydroelectric energy storage is a perfect fit for Ireland’s path to zero emissions electricity generation, writes Chris Bakkala. It is a case of feast and famine: more electricity than we can use and not enough when we need it!


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Your Committee contacts

Our committees arrange and host technical presentations, discussions, debate and social events in our regions and represent the group at liaison committee. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact our Sector Support team at sectorsupport@engineersireland.ie. You must be logged into the website to display the current committee members below.