
Academic society logoThe Academic society is a special interest group for engineers who lecture or conduct research in third-level institutions or graduate students who aspire to careers in academia.


Its mission is to promote the advancement of academic standards in engineering and facilitate and organise activities for key academic groups. It aims to develop and disseminate a body of knowledge for engineers working within the academic community which will also serve those engineering professionals with an interest in academic topics. Members can benefit from: Networking with colleagues Networking with industry experts Keeping up to date with the latest events, technical presentations and access to research and support material. Attending events, courses, site visits and customised seminars to advance their continuous professional development.

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Academic Videos

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Academic in AMPLIFIED

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Academic News

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Academic in the Engineers Journal

Getting better electronics by pushing material boundaries

Associate professor Jeehwan Kim is exploring systems that could take over where silicon leaves off.

The nuclear power reactors of the future could depend on molten salts – but what about corrosion?

Researchers show that using the right metals could alleviate the corrosion problem in these promising new reactor designs.

Lessons from Fukushima: Why it's best to prepare for the unlikely

An analysis of the 2011 nuclear accident reveals a need for more preparation, training, and protocols for responding to low-probability accidents.

The artificial reef designed by engineers that could protect marine life and reduce storm damage

The sustainable and cost-saving structure could dissipate more than 95% of incoming wave energy using a small fraction of the material normally needed.

Reducing pesticide use while improving effectiveness

In field tests, startup AgZen demonstrated that its feedback-optimised spraying system could halve the pesticide needs of farms and improve crop yields.

This sprayable gel could mean that minimally invasive surgeries are simpler and safer

Applied during endoscopic procedures, GastroShield could help prevent complications such as bleeding and leakage from weakened gastrointestinal tissues.


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Our committees arrange and host technical presentations, discussions, debate and social events in our regions and represent the group at liaison committee. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact our Sector Support team at You must be logged into the website to display the current committee members below.

Academic society Committee Member documentation
As an assigned committee member, your login will allow you access to committee documentation such as agendas, minutes and draft papers.