Executive and Business

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The Executive and Business Society is a network of engineers working in management and executive positions. Due to the direction that their careers have taken, members of the Society have the enhanced potential to influence and support the development of engineering careers.


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Executive and Business in the Engineers Journal

Lilian Bland: Ireland’s first female pilot, the world’s first female aviation engineer

In the history of aviation, the early greats – the so-called ‘pioneers’ – spring to mind. Gustav Whitehead and the Wright Brothers (who really flew first?), Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart and Louis Blériot have all earned their places in history. The geographic location of Ireland on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean has meant that this country, too, has played no small part. The ground-breaking flight of Alcock and Brown and the exploits of Douglas ‘wrong way’ Corrigan being the most ...

Engineering, gender differences and Ginger Rogers' high heels

Author: Edel Rigas, coaching psychologist My deep dive into the world of gender difference research began quite recently, after meeting with a client who was returning to the workforce after the birth of her second child. A highly qualified experienced engineer, successful in her field, she was experiencing a particularly toxic emotional cocktail of anxiety and self-doubt at the prospect of returning to work. She was keeping herself awake at night asking endless questions: How would ...

Is it time for Ireland to think of itself as an engineering nation?

“Want to get rich? You need to study engineering.” This was the headline that appeared in a column I wrote for The Irish Times last June. The headline was not mine – as we know, it is not even true. However, it did its job, attracting readership and lively feedback that has continued over the intervening months. The piece began with reference to another headline that had recently appeared in the press: “What degree should you study to become a billionaire? The result might surprise you!” ...

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Our committees arrange and host technical presentations, discussions, debate and social events in our regions and represent the group at liaison committee. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact our Sector Support team at sectorsupport@engineersireland.ie. You must be logged into the website to display the current committee members below.

Executive and Business Committee Member documentation
As an assigned committee member, your login will allow you access to committee documentation such as agendas, minutes and draft papers.