Roads and transportation


The Roads and Transportation society is for engineers with an interest in road and rail design, transport planning and traffic engineering.

The Active Travel Series shares knowledge on the planning, design and delivery of walking and cycling schemes. The free-to-attend webinars are delivered by the National Transport Authority in collaboration with the Engineers Ireland Roads and Transportation Society. Learn more here.

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Roads and Transportation in the Engineers Journal

A 35-minute intercity flight between Slovakian airports – in a car

Flying car, which completes its first intercity flight, nears production.

How chemists are building molecular assembly lines

Four huge robot arms surround the gleaming metal shell of what will soon be a top-of-the-range automobile. They jerk into life, attaching the bonnet, the wing mirrors, and other panels. It’s the kind of precision operation you can find at car factories around the world these days. But here’s a question worth considering: could we pull off a feat like this only about a billion times smaller?

Instrumented train as an engineer’s 'stethoscope' to estimate railway infrastructure health

Monitoring techniques and methods need to align with the demand for safe and efficient infrastructure in the railway network, write E Alexandra Micu, Eugene O'Brien, Cathal Bowe and Vikram Pakrashi.

Paris to Berlin in an hour by train? Here’s how it could happen

The hyperloop is what you get when you take a magnetic levitation train and put it into an airless tube. The lack of resistance allows the train, in theory, to achieve unseen speeds, a concept that is edging closer and closer to reality – and could provide a greener alternative to short-haul air travel.

Sinkholes: When the ground fights back after centuries of exploitation

The ground opening up and engulfing whatever lies in its path is a pretty common occurrence. Globally, for every 0.1℃ rise in temperature, the number of sinkholes increases by 1%-3%.

Algorithm helps artificial intelligence systems dodge 'adversarial' inputs

Method builds on gaming techniques to help autonomous vehicles navigate in the real world, where signals may be imperfect.


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