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Set in stone: Donegal National Roads Office lines up Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer Standard

Donegal National Roads Office has been awarded the much sought after CPD Accredited Employer Standard by Engineers Ireland in recognition of its continuing professional development (CPD) strategy.

Donegal National Roads Office is a regional Centre of Excellence for the project management, design and delivery of major annual and multi-annual programmes of work, including new National Road development, as well as all aspects of network management including bridges, pavement, safety and route signage, and delineation.

Active travel/greenway initiatives

The body is set to play a key role in the national delivery of Climate Action goals, including modal shift through public transport and active travel/greenway initiatives, decarbonisation through whole life sustainability, network efficiency and enabling alternate fuels.  

L-R: Brendan O’ Donnell, director of roads and transportation, Donegal County Council; Damian McDermott, senior engineer, Donegal National Roads Office; John McLaughlin,CEO, Donegal County Council; Cllr Jack Murray, cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council; Garrett Doherty, senior executive engineer, Donegal National Roads Office

“The Donegal National Roads Office is proud to become an Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer,” said Damian Mc Dermott, senior engineer, Donegal National Roads Office. 

“We are committed to achieving excellence in our work through the promotion, development and maintenance of a highly creative, innovative and adaptable engineering team capable of exceeding the expectations of our customers and stakeholders. Achievement of the Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer Standard endorses this commitment as we seek to expand and recruit further engineering talent through Donegal County Council.”

Highlighting the Donegal National Roads Office commitment to Continuing Professional Development, Mr. Mc Dermott continued: “The Donegal National Roads Office strongly supports Continuing Professional Development, which is evident in our existing Quality Management Systems and Performance Management Development System.

Fully integrated and interactive

The Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer Standard provides an excellent Framework into which our existing standalone CPD systems can be incorporated and further developed into a fully integrated and interactive CPD system. It will broaden our traditional view of what constitutes CPD, thereby allowing our Engineering Team to record the breadth and depth of CPD which already occurs, identify competency gaps and developing multi-annual CPD strategies.”

Caroline Spillane, director general of Engineers Ireland, said: “I wish to congratulate Donegal National Roads Office for their dedication to professional development and achieving CPD Accredited Employer status.

"Investment in professional development is essential for organisations to grow and develop their people to achieve both organisational and individual objectives. It is clear that Donegal National Roads Office has a strong commitment to developing its people and will continue to benefit from the strategic approach facilitated by the CPD Accredited Employer Standard.” 

The Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer standard is a strategic framework which enables engineers and engineering employers to raise competency levels and deliver tangible business benefits by investing in engineers through continuing professional development. For more information, visit:

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