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Queen’s University Belfast is partnering with Trinity College Dublin and University of Reading on a new €41.3m research centre – the Climate+ Co-Centre – which will be the home of research, innovation, and policy development across the interlinked challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and water degradation on the islands of Ireland and Britain.

Funded over six years

The Climate+ Co-Centre, which will initially be funded over six years by Science Foundation Ireland, Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) and UK Research and Innovation, will receive more than 30% co-funding from 29 industry partners. Climate+ will formally commence activities on January 1, 2024.

The funding was officially announced by higher education minister Simon Harris, secretary of state for science Michelle Donelan, and Katrina Godfrey, permanent secretary at Northern Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, at the British and Irish Intergovernmental Conference at Farmleigh House.

The co-centre will bring together more than 60 leading researchers from 14 academic partner institutions in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Great Britain. These researchers will work to deliver the transformative change urgently needed to tackle the climate, biodiversity and water crises impacting the two islands – and the wider world.

Professor Mark Emmerson, Queen’s University Belfast, and co-director of Climate+ welcomed news of the funding: “Given the scale of climatic anomalies that we have seen in 2023, we need urgent action to drive transformative change at scale and pace.

"Climate+ will provide a mix of integrated solutions drawing on expertise from across the natural, social and physical sciences to help mitigate, and adapt to, the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and water quality declines. These are inter-related global challenges and by addressing them together we maximise the co-benefits.

 “We draw on leading experts from across the islands of Ireland and Great Britain to address these inter-related challenges and we welcome the announcement of the funding of the co-centre today.”

Yvonne Buckley, professor of zoology at Trinity, and co-director of Climate+, said: “We need transformative changes to all sectors of society and the economy to tackle the climate, biodiversity and water crises. Climate+ includes a team of outstanding researchers across 14 different universities and research institutes and we will combine our diverse research skills and knowledge to develop solutions for these important challenges. 

 “It is clear from the scientific evidence that business as usual is no longer an option, and we are delighted to be working with forward thinking and progressive industry partners who will collaborate with us on research to provide sustainable solutions for their services and products.”

Professor Ed Hawkins, climate scientist at the University of Reading and Great Britain lead for the Climate+ Co-Centre, said: “Climate change and biodiversity loss are threats that require coordinated action across national borders.

"This new multicountry research centre presents a wonderful opportunity for Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Great Britain to pool our scientific expertise to develop innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity decline, and water security that we all face.”

Reverse biodiversity loss

Climate+ research will facilitate fair transitions to net zero, reverse biodiversity loss, and restore water quality for a sustainable economy. Climate+ researchers will provide urgently required solutions and pathways for sustainable and just transitions in land use for climate, biodiversity and water, seeking to deliver the solutions needed at individual and systemic levels, as well as providing the evidence-based tools to facilitate positive change.

Climate+ researchers will also work with industry partners to identify and validate the innovations needed to thrive in a climate, nature and water-positive world. Specifically, they will collaborate with industry partners in:

  • Sustainable agrifood transitions;
  • Sustainable communities and livelihoods;
  • Assessing risks and opportunities;
  • Investing in carbon and nature, in forestry, peatlands, grasslands and coastal habitats.

The Climate+ Co-Centre has emerged from collaborations between multiple academic partners in Ireland and Northern Ireland within the All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Network, funded by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, together with other partners in the UK.


Queen’s and partners line up €41.3m for new climate research centre

Think of wildlife tracking and what probably comes to mind are documentaries following the majestic movements of elephants through the savannah, the graceful migrations of sea turtles in the deep blue and the prowling of big cats in dense jungles. 

Yet, in the grand tapestry of nature, one creature that’s vital to the ecosystem but less in the spotlight can be found gently toiling away: the humble bee. Researchers are keeping a watchful eye on these buzzing wonders in a unique effort to understand their behaviour and ensure their survival.

Big buzz 

Bees pollinate 80% of all flowering plants, including more than 130 types of fruits and vegetables. Unsung heroes of the natural world, bees and other pollinators are responsible for up to €‎550bn a year in global food production. 

"We need to understand better how bees move and pollinate plants," says Dr Mathieu Lihoreau, a behavioural ecologist at the University of Toulouse. 

Cut to a farm outside Toulouse, the southern French city better known as the location of bigger winged objects: Airbus aircraft. 

But this is no ordinary farm. It’s an experimental site with, for example, no real flowers. Bumblebees and honeybees will be released into the fields – spread over 25 hectares – and tracked while flying to robotic flowers to taste a sugary reward. 

The experiment is part of a research project that received EU funding to improve understanding of how bees forage and interact. Dr Lihoreau leads the project, which is called BEE-MOVE and runs for five years until the end of September 2026. 

He will trace dozens of bees simultaneously with a radar as they navigate around hundreds of robo-flowers set out in the fields. Knowing why bees buzz off in a certain direction can help improve crop pollination, conserve wild bee populations and save some rare plant species. 

Captivating creatures

While Dr Lihoreau has always been fascinated by animal behaviour, as a student he pictured himself observing whales in the Pacific Ocean or primates in African jungles. But then as a young scientist he became captivated by much smaller creatures after joining a laboratory that studied ants. 

'Bees are in danger because they forage on plants that we treat with pesticides.' 
Dr Mathieu Lihoreau, BEE-MOVE


His attention now is on how bees navigate and make decisions as they seek nectar and pollen, orienting themselves using the sun, landscape features and even other bees. Because they collect food for themselves and harvest nectar and pollen for their colony, bees memorise the landscape. 

Research suggests bees can even have emotions and doubts, detect electric fields and count. 

"I’m fascinated by them," says Dr Lihoreau. 

In total, there are about 20,000 bee species and wild bees are critical for a healthy ecosystem. They’re vital assistants in the reproduction of plants by carrying pollen from one flower to another. 

Previously, researchers used large and expensive harmonic radars to track an antenna placed on the back of an individual bee. This allowed scientists to follow the bee as it weaved its way around a meadow, searching for flowers before returning home. 

But following just one bee gives merely a sliver of insight into what’s going on. Honeybees live in hives of thousands of worker bees and bumblebees reside in nests with dozens or hundreds. 

How bees act as a team or make efficient foraging decisions in the company of other pollinators are open questions.

Radar tracking

The BEE-MOVE radar will do its tracking without any of the bees having antennas. It uses the same technology as reversing sensors on cars, sending out energy waves to detect objects by bouncing off them. 

Dr Lihoreau says that, to his knowledge, this is the first time such a radar has been used in ecology.

"I want to show bees do not move randomly in the environment and to understand the rules that guide their sophisticated foraging," he says. 

The radar will track honeybees and bumblebees separately as they fly to the robo-flowers and then together. The planned robotic plants are small metal containers that recognise individual tagged bees as they alight on a platform and allow them in to sup sugar water.

Eventually, Dr Lihoreau wants to investigate the effect on bee behaviour of adding contaminants like pesticides to the sugar water. 

Pesticide threats

Pesticides, including insecticides, used against pests like aphids are often neurotoxins.

"Bees are in danger because they forage on plants that we treat with pesticides and then they feed on neurotoxins," he says. 

'You get metrics that show you how productive the beehives are for pollination.' 
Dr Joao Encarnacao, iPollinate


The European Food Safety Authority said in 2018 that neonicotinoid insecticides pose a threat to wild bees and honeybees. Neonicotinoids are suspected of scrambling the bees’ navigation systems. 

Everything that bees learn when navigating a meadow, garden or cityscape is retained. This may ultimately leave them particularly vulnerable to neurotoxins. 

"Because they have this tiny brain, probably every neuron is important," says Dr Lihoreau. 

In agriculture, healthy bees are crucial for good yields in crops such as strawberries and almonds. 

"Orchards hire beekeepers to bring in hives, but they need numerous healthy bees," says Dr Joao Encarnacao, a sensor expert at Irideon, a technology company in the Spanish city of Barcelona. 

Hive sensors 

If a hive is unhealthy, it can’t pollinate enough flowers and the fruit crop is reduced. But a farmer will become aware of a shortfall in pollinators only when it’s too late.

Dr Encarnacao leads an EU-funded project – iPollinate – positioning sensors on hives to report real-time foraging of honeybees. The tracking technique relies on artificial intelligence and multiple coin-sized sensors placed on the hive. 

The information can be used by an orchard owner to spotlight the healthiest bee colonies or to learn the best locations for hives.

"You get metrics that show you how productive the beehives are for pollination," says Dr Encarnacao. "So far, nobody has enough information to know how to optimise things like the placement or the orientation of beehives, yet this might be the difference between having good pollination and bad."

The project, which is due to end in December 2023 after three years, aims by then to have built a prototype of the sensor system. The plan is for the service to be available to commercial partners of the project in 2024.

The sensors have been tested in onion seeds in France and Israel, in berry fruit in countries including France, Spain and Portugal and in almonds and sunflowers in the US state of California. 

Californian almonds are a key target for iPollinate because about 2.5 million beehives are routinely set out across more than 500,000 hectares of almond groves – a big commercial opportunity for anybody who can improve pollination and, by extension, the harvest. 

Both iPollinate and BEE-MOVE highlight the crucial links between bees and the ecosystem as a whole, reinforcing the need to tackle biodiversity loss driven by human influences including pollution. 

"Bees are on the frontline of an ecological crisis," says Dr Lihoreau of BEE-MOVE. 

EU researchers use robotic flowers and hive sensors to track bees

The robotic bee replicants home in on the unsuspecting queen of a hive. But unlike the rebellious replicants in the 1982 sci-fi thriller Blade Runner, these ones are here to work.

Combining miniature robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the plan is for the robotic bees to stimulate egg laying in the queen by, for example, feeding her the right foods at the right time. 

Survive and thrive

"We plan to affect a whole ecosystem by interacting with only one single animal, the queen," says Dr Farshad Arvin, a roboticist and computer scientist at the University of Durham in the UK. "If we can keep activities like egg laying happening at the right time, we are expecting to have healthier broods and more active and healthy colonies. This will then improve pollination."

While that goes on above the surface, shape-morphing robot roots that can adapt and interact with real plants and fungi are hard at work underground. There, plants and their fungal partners form vast networks.

These robotic bees and roots are being developed by two EU-funded projects. Both initiatives are looking into how artificial versions of living things central to maintaining ecosystems can help real-life organisms and their environment survive and thrive – while ensuring food for people remains plentiful.

'If we can keep activities like egg laying happening at the right time, we are expecting to have healthier broods.' Dr Farshad Arvin, RoboRoyale

That could be crucial to the planet’s long-term future, particularly with many species currently facing steep population declines as a result of threats that include habitat loss, pollution and climate change.

One of those at risk is the honeybee, a keystone species in the insect pollination required for 75% of crops grown for human food globally. 

Fit for a queen

The RoboRoyale project that Arvin leads combines microrobotic, biological and machine-learning technologies to nurture the queen honeybee’s wellbeing. The project is funded by the European Innovation Council's Pathfinder programme.

A unique aspect of RoboRoyale is its sole focus on the queen rather than the entire colony, according to Arvin. He said the idea is to demonstrate how supporting a single key organism can stimulate production in the whole environment, potentially affecting hundreds of millions of organisms.

The multi-robot system, which the team hopes to start testing in the coming months, will learn over time how to groom the queen to optimise her egg laying and production of pheromones – chemical scents that influence the behaviour of the hive.

The system is being deployed in artificial glass observation hives in Austria and Turkey, with the bee replicants designed to replace the so-called court bees that normally interact with the queen. 

Foods for broods

One aim is that the robot bees can potentially stimulate egg laying by providing the queen with specific protein-rich foods at just the right time to boost this activity. In turn, an expected benefit is that a resulting increase in bees and foraging flights would mean stronger pollination of the surrounding ecosystem to support plant growth and animals.

The system enables six to eight robotic court bees, some equipped with microcameras, to be steered inside an observation hive by a controller attached to them from outside. The end goal is to make the robot bees fully autonomous. 

The concept design of RoboRoyale robotic controller. © Farshad Arvin, 2023

Prior to this, the RoboRoyale team observed queen bees in several hives using high-resolution cameras and image-analysis software to get more insight into their behaviour.

The team captured more than 150 million samples of the queens’ trajectories inside the hive and detailed footage of their social interactions with other bees. It is now analysing the data.

Once the full robotic system is sufficiently tested, the RoboRoyale researchers hope it will foster understanding of the potential for bio-hybrid technology not only in bees but also in other organisms.

"It might lead to a novel type of sustainable technology that positively impacts surrounding ecosystems," says Arvin. 

Wood Wide Web

The other project, I-Wood, is exploring a very different type of social network – one that’s underground.

Scientists at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa are studying what they call the Wood Wide Web. It consists of plant roots connected to each other through a symbiotic network of fungi that provide them with nutrients and help them to share resources and communicate.

'Biomimicry in robotics and technology will have a fundamental role in saving our planet.' Dr Barbara Mazzolai, I-Wood

To understand these networks better and find ways to stimulate their growth, I-Wood is developing soft, shape-changing robotic roots that can adapt and interact with real plants and fungi. The idea is for a robotic plant root to use a miniaturised 3D printer in its tip to enable it to grow and branch out, layer by layer, in response to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and available nutrients.

"These technologies will help to increase knowledge about the relationship between symbionts and hosts," says Dr Barbara Mazzolai, an IIT roboticist who leads the project.

Mazzolai’s team has a greenhouse where it grows rice plants inoculated with fungi. So far, the researchers have separately examined the growth of roots and fungi.

Soon, they plan to merge their findings to see how, when and where the interaction between the two occurs and what molecules it involves.

The findings can later be used by I-Wood’s robots to help the natural symbiosis between fungi and roots work as effectively as possible. The team hopes to start experimenting with robots in the greenhouse by the end of this year.

The robotic roots can be programmed to move autonomously, helped by sensors in their tips, according to Mazzolai. Like the way real roots or earthworms move underground, they will also seek passages that are easier to move through due to softer or less compact soil. 

Tweaks of the trade

But there are challenges in combining robotics with nature.

For example, bees are sensitive to alien objects in their hive and may remove them or coat them in wax. This makes it tricky to use items like tracking tags.

The bees have, however, become more accepting after the team tweaked elements of the tags such as their coating, materials and smell, according to Arvin of RoboRoyale.

Despite these challenges, Arvin and Mazzolai believe robotics and artificial intelligence could play a key part in sustaining ecosystems and the environment in the long term. For Mazzolai, the appeal lies in the technologies’ potential to offer deeper analysis of little-understood interactions among plants, animals and the environment.

For instance, with the underground web of plant roots and fungi believed to be crucial to maintaining healthy ecosystems and limiting global warming by locking up carbon, the project’s robotic roots can help shed light on how we can protect and support these natural processes.

"Biomimicry in robotics and technology will have a fundamental role in saving our planet," says Mazzolai.

Robotic bees and roots could bring about healthier environment and food supply answers

New soil sensor technology developed in Ireland could help reduce the use of chemical fertilisers on farms in the short and medium terms and improve water quality in Ireland’s rivers and estuaries.

The sensors have been developed by Tyndall as part of an international project to measure levels of nitrates in soils more accurately. Tyndall is part of the network of organisations and companies that host the VistaMilk SFI Research Centre.

Buried in the ground at a depth of 20cm, the tiny sensors – which measure around half the diameter of a human hair and are in packaging about 1cm across – communicate data about nitrates in soil wirelessly (bluetooth and the internet of things) and in real time. Tiny though the sensors are, initial results indicate that, per hectare of land, only a small number will be required.

Affects water quality and biodiversity

Nitrates – compounds comprising nitrogen and oxygen atoms – are essential for plant growth; however, too much of it is a pollutant and when it runs off the land into lakes, rivers, and the sea, it affects water quality and biodiversity.

Traditionally, soil testing for nitrates has been done in laboratories, in test tubes, and the results give a picture of a single point in time. As a result, farmers tend to spread fertiliser in the places and quantities that they always have. 

Testing the new sensors in Romania has shown that soil nitrate levels fluctuate considerably more than previously thought. This means the measurements the sensors provide could have a significant impact on when, where, and how much fertiliser is spread on farms.

A recent report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pointed to a continuing reduction in water quality across the island of Ireland – particularly in estuaries and coastal waters. Dr Alan O’Riordan, senior research fellow at Tyndall and principal investigator at VistaMilk SFI research centre, said the sensors represent a real opportunity for farming in Ireland, both in terms of cost savings and environmental impact. 

“No beating about the bush – this is complicated tech, developed here in Ireland. We had to deliver a new material for the sensor, we had to make it pH adjustable for better results and we had to stabilise it to prevent ‘drift’ – all while working with something that’s genuinely tiny.

“We needed to ensure that it could communicate the data it needed to and – as we were going to bury it – it needed to have a decent enough lifespan. I’m pleased to say that our test chips are still reporting back and that means they’ve survived a full growing season.

Fluctuations in soil nitrate content

“Of course, it’s the results that are really important. What we’re seeing is real fluctuations in soil nitrate content, against the baseline of traditional testing. It implies that traditional fertiliser use – field x has always needed fertiliser, so we’ll keep spreading – can be challenged. 

“Fertiliser is expensive and, while we’re still using it and waiting for fertiliser reduction initiatives to gain traction, our research will save farmers money. Clearly – less fertiliser means less run-off, means less impact on Ireland’s water quality.”

Nicholas Cooney, a dairy farmer from Co Louth and National Dairy Council farmer ambassador, welcomed the news of the innovation and the positive results of the trial: “There’s no doubt that advances in technology are going to help our industry address the environmental challenges that we face and it’s great news that these advances are being made here in Ireland.

"Real-time data on nitrates in soil would certainly assist our current decision-making when it comes to fertiliser use and slurry spreading and would have a positive impact on our costs and on our environmental impact. I look forward to seeing results from trials here in Ireland.”

Tyndall researchers unveil soil sensor technologies aimed at cutting use of fertilisers

Boris Johnson's successor as UK prime minister, Liz Truss, isn’t a fan of solar farms. In 2014, when she was environment secretary, she described rows of panels arranged in a field to capture energy from the sun as a 'blight on the landscape'.

Eight years later, as a candidate for the 2022 Conservative party leadership election, she said they were a threat to UK food supplies. Now the British government seems intent on banning new solar farms by redefining some of the most promising sites for building them as prime farmland.

Tackling the climate emergency demands urgent decarbonisation of electricity systems. And amid the ongoing war in Ukraine and volatile gas prices, there is further need for homegrown renewable energy. To meet its target of a clean electricity grid by 2035, the government expects to boost the deployment of solar power fivefold. This would only increase the land allocated to solar farms to 0.3%, roughly 0.5% of that used for agriculture.

Overhauling energy supply is certain to create conflict. But there is an opportunity to design energy plants that have multiple benefits. For instance, solar farms last for 25 to 40 years. These sites, where human disturbance is minimal, could offer shelter to embattled wildlife and regenerate the soil.

Though research is still in its infancy, the evidence so far suggests solar farms can address more than one of the crises bearing down on the world.

Biodiversity on solar farms

Britain has lost more of its biodiversity the variety of life which exists from bacteria and viruses all the way up to large mammals, birds and fish than almost anywhere else in western Europe. Massive habitat loss since the Industrial Revolution has afflicted many well-loved species, hedgehogs and water voles among those whose populations are shrinking.

Butterflies and bees are thought to be worth about £400m a year ($443m) to the UK economy as pollinators. Changes to how the land is used and the advent of intensive farming have swept away insect-rich wildflower meadows, which are at about 3% of their former extent. A full or partial switch from agricultural land to solar farms in some places would allow the land to recover.

Encourage pollinating insects

In 2017, government adviser Natural England published a review of scientific evidence on the effect of solar farms on ecosystems, stating that not enough research had been done to definitively say whether solar farms benefit wildlife. This was especially true for birds and bats. But several studies have indicated that solar farms can increase the diversity of plant species growing at a site, and so encourage pollinating insects.

A 2016 paper found that solar farms tended to have more species of plant, insect and bird than equivalent farm fields. Earlier research from 2013 seemed to support this finding: when compared to the surrounding farmland, which the solar farm used to be a part of, greater numbers of butterflies and bees were found on the site.

More recently, a series of reports illustrated the benefits of solar farms for bumblebeeshoneybees and pollinator populations more generally. Where solar farms are managed in a way that allows flowers to grow from April to early autumn, these insects have more places to forage and breed.

It stands to reason that bigger insect populations would benefit species that feed on them, such as small mammals, bats and birds. Solar panels can provide some birds with a place to nest and perch while small mammals such as field voles can gain hiding places from birds of prey.

Solar panels also create their own microclimates by casting shade and changing the pattern of rainfall landing on the ground. Evidence from the UK indicates lower ground temperatures, light and moisture are found beneath panels compared with adjacent farm fields. While this could disadvantage some grassland species which prefer more direct sunlight, it presents an opportunity for their shade-tolerant counterparts.

The patterns of shading created by the panels offer a range of habitats for plants, with those in the shade often flowering later. Pollinators generally need flowers into October, so a range of flowering times helps to extend the time they can spend foraging. The potential to grow crops in the microclimates under panels, a system called agrivoltaics, is also being explored.

Biodiversity below ground and the soil may also benefit from solar farm installations. The switch from intensive agriculture to permanent grassland means less fertiliser, insecticide and herbicide, and less disturbance from ploughing. This could allow the health of the soil to improve, although more research is needed to confirm and quantify this effect.

An ongoing experiment

At Keele University, we recently installed a low-carbon energy generation park which consists of 12,500 solar panels, two wind turbines and a large battery for storing excess electricity, all connected to the campus via a smart network that can control energy demand in different buildings, allowing the university to maximise the use of its own renewable energy and reduce the use of grid electricity when it has higher carbon emissions.

During the site’s first year of operation, we began a study which will span several years researching the effect of the solar array on biodiversity and soil health.

Plants, pollinators, amphibians, badgers, birds, bats and small mammals are all being monitored, alongside various soil characteristics. While the construction will have disturbed the soil and wildlife, our monitoring shows that the area is recovering quickly.

Large areas of the site have naturally established a grassland habitat, increasing the diversity of plant species compared with before when the site was a ploughed field. Foxes and predatory birds plus a wide variety of insects are among the visitors so far.

Clearly, there are multiple potential benefits from solar farms, a fact recognised by the industry itself. The climate crisis and the ecological crisis are inextricably linked and must be tackled together. Well-considered, designed and managed solar farms could offer this opportunity

This article first appeared in The Conversation, and was written by , lecturer in sustainability and green technology, Keele University; , teaching fellow animal biology, Keele University; , director, Institute for Sustainable Futures/Professor of Sustainability in Higher Education, Keele University.

Solar farms may be an eyesore on the landscape but research reveals that they can aid wildlife

The European Commission has proposed the first-ever legislation that explicitly targets the restoration of Europe's nature. The proposed Nature Restoration Law will set legally binding targets for nature restoration in different ecosystems and will apply to every member state, complementing existing laws.

The aim is to cover at least 20% of the EU's land and sea areas by 2030 with nature restoration measures, and eventually extend these to all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. The new law will also make about €100bn available for biodiversity spending, including restoration. 

Resilience and security of food supply

The commission also proposes to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030. These are the flagship legislative proposals to follow the Biodiversity and Farm to Fork Strategies, and will help ensure the resilience and security of food supply in the EU and across the world.

The proposal for a Nature Restoration Law is a key step in avoiding ecosystem collapse and preventing the worst impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss. Restoring EU wetlands, rivers, forests, grasslands, marine ecosystems, urban environments and the species they host is a crucial and cost-effective investment: into our food security, climate resilience, health, and wellbeing.

In the same vein, the new rules on chemical pesticides will reduce the environmental footprint of the EU's food system, protect the health and well-being of citizens and agricultural workers, and help mitigate the economic losses that we are already incurring due to declining soil health and pesticide-induced pollinator loss. 

Nature restoration law to repair damage done to Europe's nature by 2050

The Commission is today proposing the first-ever legislation that explicitly targets the restoration of Europe's nature, to repair the 80% of European habitats that are in poor condition, and to bring back nature to all ecosystems, from forest and agricultural land to marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems.

Under this proposal for a Nature Restoration Law, legally binding targets for nature restoration in different ecosystems will apply to every member state, complementing existing laws. The aim is to cover at least 20% of the EU's land and sea areas by 2030 with nature restoration measures, and eventually extend these to all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

The law will scale up existing experiences of nature restoration measures such as rewilding, returning trees, greening cities and infrastructure, or removing pollution to allow nature to recover.

Nature restoration does not equal nature protection and does not automatically lead to more protected areas. While nature restoration is necessary in protected areas as well due to their increasingly poor condition, not all restored areas have to become protected areas.

Most of them will not, as restoration does not preclude economic activity. Restoration is about living and producing together with nature by bringing more biodiversity back everywhere, including to the areas where economic activity takes place like managed forests, agricultural land and cities for example.

Restoration closely involves and benefits all parts of the society, it has to be done in an inclusive process and it has particularly positive impact on those who directly depend on healthy nature for their livelihood, including farmers, foresters and fishers.

Investment into nature restoration adds €8 to €38 in economic value for every €1 spent, thanks to the ecosystem services that support food security, ecosystem and climate resilience and mitigation, and human health. It also increases nature in our landscapes and daily lives, with demonstrable benefits for health and wellbeing as well as cultural and recreational value.

The Nature Restoration Law will set restoration targets and obligations across a broad range of ecosystems at land and sea. Ecosystems with the greatest potential for removing and storing carbon and preventing or reducing the impact of natural disasters such as floods will be the top priorities.

The new law builds on existing legislation, but covers all ecosystems rather than being limited to the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000 protected areas, aiming to put all natural and semi-natural ecosystems on the path to recovery by 2030. It will benefit from substantial EU funding: under the current Multiannual Financial Framework, about €100bn will be available for biodiversity spending, including restoration.

Targets proposed include:

  • Reversing the decline of pollinator populations by 2030 and increasing their populations from there on,
  • No net loss of green urban spaces by 2030, a 5% increase by 2050, a minimum of 10% tree canopy cover in every European city, town, and suburb, and net gain of green space  that is integrated to buildings and infrastructure,
  • In agricultural ecosystems, overall increase of biodiversity, and a positive trend for grassland butterflies, farmland birds,  organic carbon in cropland mineral soils and high-diversity landscape features on agricultural land.
  • Restoration and rewetting of drained peatlands under agricultural use and in peat extraction sites,
  • In forest ecosystems, overall increase of biodiversity and a positive trend for forest connectivity, deadwood, share of uneven-aged forests, forest birds and stock of organic carbon,
  • Restoring marine habitats such as seagrasses or sediment bottoms, and restoring the habitats of iconic marine species such as dolphins and porpoises, sharks and seabirds,
  • Removing river barriers so that at least 25,000 km of rivers would be turned into free-flowing rivers by 2030.

To help deliver on the targets while keeping flexibility for national circumstances, the law would require member states to develop National Restoration Plans, in close cooperation with scientists, interested stakeholders and the public.

There are specific rules on governance (monitoring, assessment, planning, reporting and enforcement) – which would also improve policymaking at national and European levels, making sure authorities consider together the related issues of biodiversity, climate and livelihoods.

The proposal delivers on a key element of the European Green Deal: the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 commitment for Europe to lead by example on reversing biodiversity loss and restoring nature. It is the EU's key contribution in the ongoing negotiations on a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to be adopted at the Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Montréal from December 7-15 this year.

Strong rules to reduce the use of chemical pesticides and ensure more sustainable food systems by 2030

Today's proposal to reduce the use of chemical pesticides translates our commitment to halt biodiversity loss in Europe into action. The proposal will help building sustainable food systems in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy, whilst ensuring lasting food security and protecting our health.

Scientists and citizens are increasingly concerned about the use of pesticides and the build-up of their residues and metabolites in the environment. In the final report of the Conference on the Future of Europe citizens specifically requested to address the use and risk of pesticides. However, the current rules of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive have proven to be too weak and have been unevenly implemented.

Also, insufficient progress has been made in the use of Integrated Pest Management as well as other alternative approaches. Chemical pesticides harm human health and cause biodiversity decline in agricultural areas. They contaminate the air, the water and the wider environment. The commission is therefore proposing clear and binding rules:

  1. Legally binding targets at EU and national level to reduce by 50% the use and the risk of chemical pesticides and the use of the more hazardous pesticides by 2030. Member states will set their own national reduction targets within defined parameters to ensure that the EU wide targets are achieved. Strict new rules on environmentally friendly pest control: New measures will ensure that all farmers and other professional pesticide users practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM), in which alternative environmentally methods of pest prevention and control are considered first, before chemical pesticides may be used as a last resort measure.  The measures also include mandatory record keeping for farmers and other professional users. In addition, Member States have to establish crop-specific rules identifying the alternatives to be used instead of chemical pesticides. 
  2. A ban on all pesticides in sensitive areas. The use of all pesticides will be prohibited in places such as urban green areas, including public parks or gardens, playgrounds, schools, recreation or sports grounds, public paths and protected areas in accordance with Natura 2000 and any ecologically sensitive area to be preserved for threatened pollinators. This new rules will remove chemical pesticides from our proximity in our everyday lives.

The proposal transforms the existing Directive into a Regulation which will be directly applicable in all Mmember states. This will tackle the persistent problems with weak and uneven implementation of existing rules over the last decade. Member states will have to submit to the commission detailed annual progress and implementation reports.

Supporting the transition

A package of key policies will support farmers and other users, with the transition to more sustainable food production systems, including:

  • New Common Agriculture Policy rules to ensure that farmers are compensated for any costs related to the implementation of the new rules for a transition period of 5 years;
  • Stronger action to increase the range of biological and low risk alternatives on the market;
  • Research and Development under EU's Horizon programmes in support of new technologies and techniques, including precision farming and
  • An Organic Action Plan, to deliver the Farm to Fork pesticide targets.

The transition will also be supported by the proposal on farm sustainability data, and by market developments in relation to precision farming such as sprayers using geospatial localisation and pest recognition techniques.

Delivering globally

In line with its policy for sustainable pesticide use, the commission will soon propose, for the first time ever, a measure that follows up on its commitment to take account of global environmental considerations when deciding on maximum residue levels in food. 

Imported food containing measurable residues of prohibited substances should, over time, not be marketed in the EU. This will contribute to a virtuous circle and encourage third countries to also limit or prohibit the use of these pesticides, already banned in the EU.

Concretely, the commission will soon consult member states and third countries on a measure reducing to zero the residues of thiamethoxam and clothianidin, two substances known to contribute significantly to the worldwide decline of pollinators.

These are substances no longer approved in the EU. When the measure is adopted, imported food containing measurable residues of these two substances may – after certain transitional periods – no longer be marketed in the EU.

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