Cyber-Physical Systems and Control Micro-credential


Organisation profile

Trinity College Dublin is Ireland's leading University, which has been inspiring generations of brilliant thinkers for over 400 years.

Training aim

In this course, we learn to write software and select hardware for mobile autonomous Cyber-Physical System: as a platform of choice we use a light-weight, simple 1 TEP Glossary unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and/or unmanned ground vehicles (UGV).

Learning objectives

By the end of the course participants will be able to:

• Formally describe and design cyber-physical systems 
• Make appropriate sensory, actuatory and computational choices for cyber-physical systems in a given context 
• Write specifications of cyber-physical systems and required tests for them 
• Verify a cyber-physical system’s performance 
• Design distributed and networked control schemes for cyber-physical systems and write software for their implementation 
• Apply machine learning techniques to problems of sensing and control 
• Coordinate heterogeneous teams of cyber-physical systems 
• Critically assess cyber-physical systems in terms of security and ethics.

Course outline

Synergy of physical components (mechanisms) and software that controls them is a cyber-physical system (CPS). They adapt to changes in their mission and environment, aim to be autonomous, and are designed as networks of interacting elements. This course on cyber-physical systems and control hence brings together the knowledge of communications networks and self-organisation on one side, and control, robotics, and computing on the other. The requirements for a CPS stem from its application, laws, and the effects it has on the society. Our module will, in parallel, cover physical, cybernetic, and social challenges of CPS design. 
• You will design, build, test, and present an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV, drone) performing a complex task alongside similar devices in a cooperative swarm.
• You will build software, hardware, and mechanical components.
• You will continuously critically assess design, implementation, potential applications, and consequences of your device’s use

Trainer's profile

Harun Šiljak

Lecturing/Teaching experience:
- 2020 - present, Trinity College Dublin
- 2019 - 2020, Maynooth University
- 2015-2016, International Burch University Sarajevo
Relevant work experience:
- 2016-2017, Nokia Bell Labs
- 2017-2020, SFI CONNECT Centre for Future Networks and Communications
Academic qualifications:
2015 PhD in Electronic Engineering
2012 Master in Engineering (Control and Electronics)
2010 Bachelor in Engineering (Control and Electronics)
Professional Body Membership:
IEEE Senior Member
ISCC (Irish Systems and Control Committee) Honorary Secretary
Irish Mathematical Trust Member

Course duration

12 Weeks

Assessment & certification

Assessment is via coursework and exam:

• Coursework of individual work, group work, and multi-group work in drone design, construction, testing, control, and integration (60%).
• Final exam on general and specific issues of cyber-physical systems in technology and society (40%).
• A Micro-credential worth 10 credits on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and 250 hours CPD credit.

Who should attend

This Micro-credential is being offered to a range of relevant professionals, including mechanical engineers, electronic engineers, process/control engineers and embedded systems professionals. 
