[caption id="attachment_49589" align="alignright" width="282"]
The RetroTek-M Retroreflectometer is designed to be attached to the front of a vehicle. It comprises an enclosure containing cameras, lights, optical and processing equipment and uses an efficient custom designed LED projector.[/caption]
Reflective Measurement Systems (RetroTek Technology) is working with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality transportation department to assist it with the assessment of the pavement conditions and performance of the municipality road network, the firm has announced.
Traditional dynamic side-mounted systems
The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality chose the RetroTek retroreflectometer over traditional dynamic side-mounted systems because of its ease of use.
Fitted to the front of the vehicle, with good road clearance, also makes it a safer solution for the operator/driver and other users, the company claims.
It is twice as efficient which is a major advantage on the very congested road network around Istanbul, said Joe Turley, CEO, Reflective Measurement Systems.
Unlike dynamic side-mounted retroreflectometers, the RetroTek can simultaneously assesses the retroreflectivity of the road line markings on the left and right of the traffic lane travelled including any centre lane markings/messages/symbols.
The RetroTek system is not integrated into the vehicle so can be easily removed and attached to other vehicles fitted with a standard square front tow hitch bar, he said.
The maintenance of good-quality pavement markings is more important than ever in ensuring that vehicles driven by humans and equipped with Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS), and autonomous vehicles, can operate safely on all road networks.
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The RetroTek-M records data in real time and automatically stores it on the PC. The data includes route travelled, retroreflective values (RL), GPS co-ordinates, temperature, humidity, distance, speed, time and presence/absence of reflective pavement markings (RPMs) / road studs.[/caption]
The requirement for quality, reliable and affordable pavement assessment to industry standards has never been greater, said Turley.
For more information about the
RetroTek Technology, contact Joe Turley CEO. Email: