1-day course
CPD Credit: 6.5 hours; Competence/s: 1
Course Delivery Options
This course will provide an introduction to two Eurocodes. These are Eurocode 0 – I.S.EN 1990 - Basis of Design and Eurocode 1- I.S. EN 1991 – Actions on Structures. It will mainly concentrate on those parts that relate to buildings rather than to bridges. It will refer to links between the various parts of EN 1991 with the Building Regulations and Technical Guidance Documents.
The course will also refer to future developments and revisions of the Eurocodes.
- Introduction to Eurocodes
- Introduction to Eurocode 0 I.S. EN 1990 2002 Basis of Design
- Reference to Irish National Annex
- Scope and Assumptions
- Requirements
- Limit State design Introduction
- Variables and Analysis
- Verification
- Application for Buildings
- Structural reliability
Introduction to Eurocode 1I.S. EN 1991 Actions on Structures:
- Constituent parts
- EN 1991-1-1 Densities, Self–weight and imposed loads
- EN 1991-1-3 Snow loads
- EN 1991-1-4 Wind loads
- EN 1991-1-5 Thermal Actions
- EN 1991-1-6 Actions during execution
- EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions
- Review of fire, bridges, Silos and tanks and cranes and machinery parts
- Discussion on Irish National Annexes
Review of forthcoming revisions to the suite as well as update on proposed new parts
Discussion on Robustness – led by Professor Alan O’Connor
Learning Outcomes
- The relationship of Eurocode 0 to the full suite of Eurocodes
- Using EN 1990 for verification of structural design
- Determination of Actions using EN 1991
Who Should Attend?
This training course is intended for structural engineers, principally concerned with building design, who wish to learn more about the basis of design and how to verify compliance with design parameters.
Course Facilitators

Jim Mansfield - CEng, BE, FIEI, MIStructE, RConsEI
Jim Mansfield is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of Engineers Ireland and a Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers.
He was Managing Director of Kavanagh Mansfield & Partners who are designers of Commercial, Public, Institutional and Residential structures throughout Ireland. Jim Mansfield is the Chair of an NSAI Committee “Eurocodes Consultative Committee” which deals with the impact of the Eurocode suite of design standards in Ireland. This committee also looks at the impact on the Irish Construction Industry of a number of standards which includes the Eurocodes and related documents.
Jim Mansfield has also acted as Irish Representative for EN 1990 and EN 1991.
- “Very well delivered, course notes are excellent”
- “Informative”
Please contact the CPD Training Team for further information on scheduled course dates and In-Company options.