1-day course
CPD Credit: 6.5 hours; Competence/s: 1
Course Delivery Options
It is normal to expect the soils on your sites to be logged in accordance with the current standards. This course will provide the background to logging materials encountered on site in order that the descriptions are useful, communicable, and accurate.The relevant standards for soil logging are mandatory and so these normative documents are required to be followed.
- Session 1: Background to the Standards
- Session 2: Description of coarse soils with a practical session
- Session 3: Soil and rock description with a practical session
- Session 4: Description of organic soils
- Session 5: Discussion of anthropogenic soils
- Session 6: Compilation of a field log
Learning Outcomes
Delegates will be equipped with a structure to enable them to go in to the field and describe soils that they come across in a systematic manner that will meet the requirements of the standards.
Who Should Attend?
All engineering design professionals need to know about the standards, whether they are actually carrying out the logging, or specifying or overseeing the works or actually using the results of investigations within their design activities.
Trainer’s Profile

Julian Lovell BSc (Hons), FGS, PTLLS, A1
Julian has over 30 years experience in geology and geotechnics, with the last 25 years in site investigation.
He graduated in 1990 after gaining an Honours degree in Applied Geology and Geography and worked in geotechnical consultancy before moving into contracting where he has been involved in all aspects of geotechnical investigation. In the last 6 years he has been involved in several leading edge Research and Development projects which have included partnerships with the British Geological Survey (BGS) and Birmingham University.
He has also been an active member of working parties for SISG Part 3, The UK Specification for Ground Investigation, and the BDA's guidance notes for Dynamic Sampling.
In addition, Julian is also a member of the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists and is the current Chair.
- Niall Farrell, ESB International: "Excellent, very informative"
- "Very well delivered. Clear, humorous, and very engaging throughout"
- "Excellent, very informative"
- "Very good and instructor was friendly"
- "Good course and content"
- "Very well run course. Very useful course content"
- "Very interesting"
Please contact the CPD Training Team for further information on scheduled course dates.