4-day course
CPD Credit: 28 hours; Competence/s: 1 & 2
Course Delivery Options
This module encompasses the lifecycle of a road pavement from initial design and construction to the evaluation and rehabilitation of pavements in service. It concentrates on the key objective for a sustainable road pavement of being fit for its intended purpose and durable for its expected life. The influences within each lifecycle stage on a pavement achieving this objective are examined.
The engineering properties of pavement constituent materials are considered in detail, emphasising the importance of the material characteristics in counteracting the loads applied and the subsequent effect on pavement performance and durability. The various inputs into a pavement design such as traffic analysis and the procedures for calculating and assessing pavement loading are presented along with the environmental influences that affect pavement performance and durability. Flexible pavement design using a mechanistic-empirical design approach is then presented.
Manufacture, laying and compaction considerations and their influence on the pavement being fit for its intended purpose and durable for its expected life are detailed. The procedures for evaluation of performance and quality control of asphalt products as they exist within the framework of Harmonised European Specifications is also explained in line with the Construction Products Regulation. The consideration of mix composition and design together with quality assurance is also discussed. The permitted surface course types in Ireland and their comparative characteristics and benefits are discussed.
Causes of failure in mature pavements are presented and the various methods for evaluation and assessment of such pavements to inform the rehabilitation and improvement of existing roads are described. The design procedure for rehabilitation works is presented along with the principles of Pavement Network Management Systems.
Other aspects covered include broader sustainability issues such as recycling techniques and alternative pavement materials. The pavement types considered throughout are flexible and flexible-composite pavements only i.e. rigid pavements are not covered within this module.
Course Duration
This programme will consist of 4 training days across a three week period followed by an assessment and workshop day approximately 2 weeks later. The assessment day will consist of an online morning examination and an afternoon workshop for the project outline. Delegates will have 6 weeks to complete their assigned project. Further CPD hours can be recorded for study hours.
Course Material
All material for this course will be facilitated via a Moodle Page. Delegates are welcome to bring their laptops. Material will be made available via the Moodle page prior to each day of training.
Deferrals and Extensions Policy
- When signing up to attend the Programme all delegates make the commitment to be available for all dates of the course including the examination date.
- There will be no extensions or deferrals on the examination date to future iterations of the Programme. In the event of an emergency or unavoidable circumstance, those situations will be dealt on a case-by-case basis.
- Delegates also make a commitment to submit the assignment (which will be due 6 weeks post Programme completion, within the iteration of the Programme they attended. No deferrals to future iterations will be provided. In the event of an emergency, an extension of a few weeks can be arranged upon written request.
This programme is accredited by the Technological University of Dublin (TU Dublin) as a Level 9 programme on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and has accredit value of 5 ECTS Credits.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, the learner will be able to:
- Distinguish between the relevant engineering properties of pavement constituent materials and analyse their influence on pavement performance and durability.
- Identify the failure mechanisms applicable to flexible pavements.
- Assess the effect of environmental conditions on the durability/performance of a pavement over its lifecycle.
- Calculate design traffic/loading type and the associated reactions within a pavement structure.
- Develop a pavement design using the principles of Mechanistic-Empirical pavement design.
- Prescribe a suitable testing regime to certify a pavement product.
- Critically analyse construction methodologies for flexible pavement materials to identify what construction errors may lead to deficient pavements.
- Specify an appropriate method of evaluating the performance/ condition of an existing pavement for network and project levels of assessment.
- Evaluate the capacity of a pavement based on monitoring data and specify an appropriate intervention.
- Calculate the costs and benefits relating to a road pavement during its lifecycle.
Alan Kavanagh, Colas Ireland
Alan graduated from NUIG with honours degree in Civil Engineering in 1997. He is currently working as a Network Operations Engineer in the Network Management Division of the TII, which is responsible for the management of the national road network and associated assets. Previously, Alan worked for the Colas Ireland Group of companies, with responsibility for product development and the quality control of a range of materials supplied for use in the road maintenance and road construction industry. He is a Chartered Engineer and a member of the IAT.
Alan Lynch, Arup
Alan is a Chartered Civil Engineer with experience in road pavement engineering and asset management projects across Africa, Europe, and Australasia. He has contributed to multi-disciplinary teams in the assessment and design of major national highways with a focus on the design and specification of road pavement materials. Alan has also carried out research into the long-term performance of recycled pavement materials. Alan has provided road asset management system development and maintenance technical support to a number of road authorities and highway concessionaires. His specialist knowledge has been used to assist with the implementation of national government initiatives, particularly with respect to sustainability, and he has provided evidence as part of arbitration hearings.
Ciaran Collier, Roadstone Ltd
Ciaran has worked in the asphalt industry for over 20 years. He graduated from DIT, Kevin St. in 2004 with a degree in Applied Physics and completed an MSc in Engineering in 2018. In 2005, he began working in the CRH Asphalt R&D Laboratory in Roadstone Dublin Ltd., as its Senior Laboratory Technician. He has worked on several major road contracts in Ireland including the M50, the M3 and the N22 Macroom Bypass. In his time in Roadstone Ltd., Ciaran has held many roles in R&D and QC and is currently the National Asphalt Technical Manager for Roadstone Ltd. Ciaran is an active member of the IAT Irish branch sitting on its committee since 2005. He is also a member of several national committees including the NSAI’s Asphalt working group.
Edward Winterlich, BSc(Eng) Dip Eng NCEA Dip Eng CEng, Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Edward graduated from DIT Bolton Street in Structural Engineering. He is a chartered member of Engineers Ireland and the Institute of Asphalt Technology. Edward has 42 years of experience working on major/minor road and paving construction contracts. His experience includes material testing and contract administration, contracting, asset management and the development of standards. Edward is currently the TII Network Management \ Senior Manager for Pavement Engineering and Technology. He is a member of CEN TC 227 Road Materials Technical Committee and Working Group 1, developing Euro Norms for Bituminous Products, test methods and compliance requirements. Edward is the current Chairperson of the NSAI mirror committee interpreting these EN’s and developing recommendations for the Irish bituminous mixture market.
Janet Lynch, Arup
Janet is the Circular Economy Lead in Arup Europe. She is Chair of the NSAI committee for Circular Economy in the Construction Sector and has been working with TII on circular economy work for the last 2 years. She leads teams working across Ireland, Denmark the Netherlands and Germany on circular economy and decarbonisation projects. These include Crossrail, London Olympics, DART Underground, N6 Galway City Ring Road and Bus Connects.
Dr Kieran Feighan, PMS Pavement Management Services Ltd
Kieran is Managing Director of PMS Pavement Management Services Ltd. He is a Chartered Engineer and a graduate of NUI Galway and Purdue University, Indiana. He has acted as specialist technical advisor in the pavements area for a number of public bodies in Ireland including Transport Infrastructure Ireland, the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Dublin Airport Authority, Office of Public Works, Commission for Aviation Regulation, Coillte and the Department of Defence. He has been directly involved and responsible for the design of new pavements and rehabilitated pavements on hundreds of pavement projects covering roads, airports, ports, and industrial flooring projects in Ireland and overseas. Kieran holds the office of President of Engineers Ireland for 2017/18.
Kevin Crawley, BE MEngSc CEng, Transport Infrastructure Ireland

Kevin graduated from NUI Galway with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree in 2000 and was awarded a Masters in Engineering Science Degree in 2002 for research in relation to aggregate performance whilst based at the CRH Asphalt R&D laboratory. He is a chartered member of Engineers Ireland and a member of the Institute of Asphalt Technology. Kevin has over 22 years of experience working mostly on the project management, design and delivery of various National Road Realignment and National Road Pavement Schemes. Kevin is currently Senior Engineer for Pavement Engineering & Technology within Transport Infrastructure Ireland with responsibility for pavement engineering inputs to TII’s pavement asset management programmes and the ongoing development of TII pavement standards and specifications. He is a member of CEN TC 227 Road Materials Working Group 1 and is also a member of the NSAI Asphalt Working Group.
Olivier Mainardis, Arup

Olivier’s passion for sustainability in engineering began at university in France, where he studied a master’s degree in Materials, including minors, in Entrepreneurship, Environment and Sustainable Development at the Université de Technologie de Troyes. He began his career in 2010 as a Research and Development Engineer in France, working for both Lafarge and Colas. His work involved developing, designing, testing, and investigating both traditional and sustainable asphalt products and processes. Olivier is now the Pavement Engineering Lead for Ireland and has been part of the Arup Pavement Team since 2018. He moved into the world of consulting in 2013, first with WSP in the UK and subsequently with Arup in Ireland. He is motivated by the sustainable development of pavement assets, and he spends his time working with clients in this space.
Pavlos Zoulis, Arup
Pavlos Zoulis is a Charted European Engineer (EUR ING) and is part of the pavement team in Arup in Ireland. He has 5 years of experience across the Highway construction industry. Pavlos has worked closely with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) on updating and developing several pavement related specifications. His engineering highlight has been the assistance in developing and coding of the Irish Analytic Pavement Design Method (IAPDM), which is a tool used for the design of new and rehabilitation pavement designs in Ireland.
Peter Adams, Director, Arup
Peter has over 30 years’ experience in the design and delivery of a wide spectrum of major highway projects. These include Employer Designed, Design and Build, PPP and DBFO projects within Ireland, the UK, South Africa, Hong Kong, USA, Netherlands and Sweden. His design experience covers a wide variety of highways projects such as the M50 Upgrade Scheme Works near Dublin, the N2 Monaghan, the M1, M2 and M3 motorways approaching Belfast, and the A8, M77, M74, the Edinburgh City Bypass and M6 elsewhere in the UK. He was responsible for creating and delivering a highways design course in New Dehli, India. Peter understands road design from first principles and will present the explain the engineering theory behind the development of TII publications, the forces associated with vehicle equilibrium, the calculation of stopping sight forces and distances and how all of these can be combined into a co-ordinated design.
Sean Cassidy, Quality Asphalt Ltd

Sean has been involved in the construction industry for over 25 years. He was involved with the introduction of the first thin surfacing to be used in the UK and the transfer of technology in the roads industry between France, the UK and other countries. In 2013 he set up his own business, Quality Asphalt Ltd, to provide independent specialist advice on all aspects of asphalt pavements to road and airport authorities, consulting engineers and contractors. Sean has an active involvement in the industry via the Institute of Asphalt Technology, where he serves on Council. He also sits on a number of NSAI technical committees charged with reviewing European Standards and developing Standard Recommendations for use in Ireland.
Stephen Smyth, BEng MSc CEng FIEI, Senior Manager, Pavement Asset Management Programme & Winter Services, Network Management Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Stephen graduated in 1996 with an honour’s degree in Civil Engineering and in 2013, while studying part time, obtained a Master’s Degree in Operations Management. Stephen began his career working as a Resident Engineer on Site Investigation and Road Construction projects on National and Regional roads in Ireland. In 2002 Stephen joined the engineering standards section of the National Roads Authority and in 2005 became Engineering Inspector with responsibility for national road pavement renewal and winter services. In 2016 Stephen began his current position of senior manager for national road pavement asset management and winter services in TII Network Management Directorate. Stephen has over 27 years’ experience in road construction, maintenance, operations, network resilience and asset management and is a Fellow of Engineers Ireland.
Tom Casey, BSc.; MBA; FIEI
Tom graduated from Queens University in Civil Engineering and holds an MBA from UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School. Tom has over 40 years of experience working mostly on major road construction contracts and paving (including flexible, composite, and rigid). His experience includes design, contracting and contract administration, research, and development. He developed skid resistance, asset management and valuation, innovation, and circular economy policies for TII and was the TII representative on CEDR research projects in these fields. He was an attending member of CEN TC 227 Road Materials and currently sits on the NSAI Mirror Committee and is Fellow of Engineers Ireland. Since 2022, he set up his own engineering consultancy company.
- “Very informative”
- “Very Good. A lot of content”
- “Very well ran and organised”
- “Excellent course that was very relevant to my area of work”
- “Very enjoyable and well-run course”
- “Well-presented and informed course”
- “Great course”
- “Informative material”
- “Excellent course”
- “Interesting content, well presented”
- “All very relevant”
- “I found the workshops an excellent learning platform”
- “Hands-on workshops [were] very valuable. Visual examples in presentations also useful.”
- “Workshops very useful to get a sense of practical applications”
- “Videos and workshops were absolutely excellent. Everything else very good too. Completely exceeded my expectations”
Engineers Ireland supports the Sustainable Development Goals. This event contributes to Engineers Ireland's Sustainability Framework.
Additional Information
This programme is delivered in collaboration with Transport Infrastructure Ireland and Arup Consulting Engineers
The CPD Certificate in the Design and Lifecycle of Road Pavements programme is accredited by TU Dublin at Level 9, 5 ECTS
Please contact the CPD Training Team for further information on scheduled course dates and In-Company options.
TU Dublin has approved the Geometric Road Design and Design and Lifecycle of Road Pavements courses run by Engineers Ireland and TII, as equivalent to two Level 9 5 ECTS modules that can be used as part of a postgraduate award in Civil Engineering from TU Dublin. Furthermore, by successfully finishing both of these courses, in addition to (i) the Designing for Safety in Construction (DSC) and the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) modules offered by ACEI, Engineers Ireland and TU Dublin, and (ii) the ACEI / IStructE Graduate Development Courses, students can qualify for a 30 ECTS Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering (Sustainable Infrastructure. With further study, these 30 ECTS can be used to secure a 60 ECTS Postgraduate Diploma Certificate in Civil Engineering (Sustainable Infrastructure) or a 90 ECTS ME in Civil Engineering (Sustainable Infrastructure) award.
For more information, please contact TU Dublin directly by visiting the links below:
ME in Civil Engineering (Sustainable Infrastructure) full-time TU213A
ME in Civil Engineering (Sustainable Infrastructure) part-time TU219A