Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy has partnered with the Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) Centre on a collaborative research project that has been funded in conjunction with Beaufort Research, in University College Cork. Carnegie will be collaborating with the MaREI Centre in a targeted research project to develop tools that will optimise the layout of CETO wave energy arrays and the performance and control of each CETO Unit in the array. Research will be carried out both in virtual computational wave modelling and in the National Ocean Test Facility wave tank. Carnegie’s Dublin based executive director, Kieran O'Brien, said the partnership would allow Carnegie to leverage Beaufort Research’s science and engineering expertise into the further development of its CETO technology. The CETO system is a wave energy device that converts ocean wave energy into zero-emission electricity and desalinated water. It operates under water, where it is safer from large storms and invisible from the shore. Fully submerged buoys are tethered to seabed pump units. These buoys move with the motion of the passing waves and drive the pumps. The pumps pressurise water, which is delivered onshore via a subsea pipe. The Science Foundation Ireland MaREI Centre is a cluster of key university and industrial partners dedicated to solving the main scientific, technical and socio- economic challenges related to ocean energy. It is is led by Prof Alistair Borthwick and hosted by Beaufort Research in University College Cork.