Roads and transportation


The Roads and Transportation society is for engineers with an interest in road and rail design, transport planning and traffic engineering.

The Active Travel Series shares knowledge on the planning, design and delivery of walking and cycling schemes. The free-to-attend webinars are delivered by the National Transport Authority in collaboration with the Engineers Ireland Roads and Transportation Society. Learn more here.

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Roads and Transportation in the Engineers Journal

Wake-up call: How researchers are working on cutting road accidents with customised driver alerts

EU researchers are coming up with advanced technologies to spot early signs of fatigue and erratic behaviour in people behind the wheel. FITDRIVE is among a number of EU projects under way, and researchers believe that, with the right technology, people can be prodded into driving more safely. Before the project wraps up, the plan is to conduct real world tests in Ireland, Italy and Spain.

What's responsible for all the noise at Dublin airport?

Flight plans, night-time noise, passenger numbers and a noise quota are just some of the issues currently causing friction at the airport, writes Eoin King of University of Galway.

Post and parcel delivery services in cities go green

A new generation of commercial electric vehicles is emerging to reduce air pollution and congestion in urban areas.

Road features that can work out the location of crash sites identified in machine-learning model

Issues such as abrupt changes in speed limits and incomplete lane markings are among the most influential factors that can predict road crashes, finds new research. The study then used machine learning to predict which roads may be the most dangerous based on these features.

Students' self-driving Indy Car grabs headlines as it storms to unconventional victory

The win was secured when the car autonomously broke the rules, preventing its last opponent from overtaking.

Inspecting bridges, buildings and roads: Researchers look to AI guided systems to help with robotic analyses

Recent building collapses and structural failures of roads and bridges are indicators of a problem that's likely to get worse, according to experts, because it's just not possible to inspect every crack, creak and crumble to parse dangerous signs of failure from normal wear and tear. In hopes of playing catch-up, researchers are trying to give robotic assistants the tools to help inspectors with the job.


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