Make the most of your membership

Engineers Ireland plays a crucial role in supporting engineers throughout their careers, promoting engineering excellence, and contributing to the development of the engineering profession in Ireland. 

From career development, free CPD and networking opportunities, to keeping you up to date on all the latest engineering trends and news, there are lots of ways you can make the most of your membership.

Engineers Ireland
Member affinity schemes
Engineers Ireland has negotiated a suite of exclusive affinity schemes and discounts for the benefit of members
Log in
Access your member dashboard
Make the most of your membership by logging in to your dashboard, where you'll find discipline-specific resources and member benefits.
Engineers Ireland
Member Benefits booklet
Members have access to a selection of free eLearning courses, Engineers TV and videos.
Registered Professional Titles

Enhance your industry status

Holding a Registered Professional Title enhances your status in the engineering industry. Titles show that your skills and experience have been approved by your peers and can increase your value to employers.

Registers and Dispute Resolution
Engineers Ireland maintains registers and panels of specialists in dispute resolution, pyrite, mica, concrete blocks and more.
Update your preferences
Stay in the loop
Update your communication preferences on your member dashboard by logging in and selecting the regions and disciplines related to you.
Continuing Professional Development
Continue to upskill with training courses and seminars. As an Engineers Ireland member, you also have access to My CPD, an online tool that allows you to record and refer to your CPD activities.